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The Verein08 is an art space based in Vienna's eighth district. In an intimate setting, very established personnalities from the various cultural scenes design their performances and projects as well as newcomers take their first steps. More than 50 events per year from media art, interdisciplinary, social, music, etc. The Verein celebrate its 24th anniversary this year. 


dominik nostitz

Dominik Nostitz is a musician, songwriter, artist and cultural mediator from Vienna. He works with public space, in Vienna's green oases or institutional museum landscape, he performs on stages, plays at festivals and travels the world.


His projects are experiments in storytelling and visualisation. The treasures of everyday life that surround us all as a society are made tangible through the means of art - a window opens, we leave the daily grind.


Through constantly new approaches, whether musical interventions or participatory installations, situations are created that invite us to empathise and join in. People are inspired and experience as a community what can be, what perhaps already is. The mouthpiece of art, music, allows us to feel the hidden together and make it our shared reality for moments.


The playing field is wide. Shared culture is reinterpreted and felt anew during musical walks around Vienna in search of Beethoven's source of ideas. For the Schmuseum, a mediation concept of the felt kind, the Weltmuseum Wien was transformed into a place of encounter where the world could not be viewed but experienced with all the senses. At red light concerts at Vienna's traffic lights, passers-by are given a catchy tune and a smile to go with their breakfast croissant. Musical serenades awaken the dancing legs of unknown neighbours in Vienna's municipal buildings. And Vienna's streets and places take on unexpected new meanings through interventions with creative name associations.


For two decades, he has been running one of Vienna's oldest independent cultural institutions - Verein08 in Vienna's Josefsstadt district - a social biotope, an art living room as an interface between different innovative and transdisciplinary trends with a broad international audience. The shop offers space for authenticity, further development and artistic experimentation in an intimate living room setting in the centre of Vienna.

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